Who Am I?

My name is Abraham Jeremiah Ivie. My hope is to live a life as a stream unto the nations and those around me. As the spirit moves like streams of water it nourishes the roots of our churches, expands the true vine, Jesus Christ, and produces lasting branches grafted onto the tree of life. I only pray that our labor unto the Lord results lives being saved. 

God is calling His church to uproot what is broken and plant His truth in the nations. Through discipleship, evangelism, and transformation of His communities, we go where the Gospel is needed most—bringing hope, renewal, and everlasting change.  

Our Mission 🌱

Uproot false foundations and bring biblical truth to the nations

Plant the Gospel in hearts, homes, and churches

Equip believers to grow deep roots in Christ and multiply disciples

Build lasting relationships with churches and families worldwide

Missionary Mindset 🌍

Led by the Spirit

Guided by The Spirit to be Streams of Water that care for the Lords Harvest.

Laborer to the Lost

Laborers sowing seeds, praying they fall on Good Soil that can produce a Hundredfold.

Discipling His Flocks

Uprooting all evil and spouting up New Life!